Repsol Foundation awarded for promoting the employability of vulnerable groups in the energy transition

The Inclusive Energy Transition Alliance initiative promoted by the Repsol Foundation and the Santa María la Real Foundation was given a special mention by the Konecta Foundation and JPMorgan Chase “Green Jobs Hub” program.
The award was collected by Mar de Andrés, director of Social Transformation at the Repsol Foundation, and by Natalia Serrano, director of the Employment and Social Inclusion Area at the Santa María la Real Foundation.
Over 90 organizations make up the Alliance
The Inclusive Energy Transition Alliance identifies the demands of the current labor market in terms of the challenges faced due to the energy transition and, from there, promote proactive employment solutions and strategies to support social organizations and companies during their transformation process.
More than 90 organizations and companies in the social sphere already make up this network of allies and key agents, which unites resources to achieve common goals, improving guidelines for action and creating synergies. Together, they contribute to the improvement of socioeconomic environments and the fight against social exclusion by generating opportunities for employability and inclusion.
Being a member of the Alliance allows you to enjoy different advantages, such as access to research results, experimental employability programs, and good practices, collaborating in the generation of knowledge and shared experiences of the participating social organizations, opening the door to new synergies.
Social organizations and companies that wish to be part of this Alliance, and benefit from its advantages as members, can request to join at www.alianzatransicioninclusiva.com.