Repsol Open Room Conference in which we can see several speakers seated on stage with the Open Room logo in the background

The Repsol Foundation’s digital platform with rigorous and accurate information on the most relevant aspects of the energy transition

All Open Room content has been created by experts from different areas and with often conflicting points of view. Because only through debate can we discover new ways of making our society more sustainable.

Discover the key drivers of the energy transition

The objective of Open Room is to promote rigorous and objective knowledge about the current energy transition, based on scientific research and technological neutrality. To do so, we rely on a network of Chairs in prestigious universities and collaborations with companies, institutions and Think Tanks of recognized prestige. We share all this knowledge through:

Events and courses

On a wide variety of aspects related to the energy transition: the new green economy, circular economy, sustainable mobility and renewable fuels, among others.

Expert information

Studies, reports and opinion articles prepared by a wide variety of experts, who work on the information at different levels. The aim is to make it accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about energy transition.


By being part of Open Room we will invite you to all future events we organize, you will be able to attend as many as you wish.

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