We already know the selected projects of the "Leading the Change" call!

After rigorous deliberation on the projects presented in the 2024 "Leading the Change" call, the evaluation committee has selected the following projects:
- #TrofeosConALMA 🏆: entrepreneurship and social and labor insertion project through the production of ethical, sustainable, and solidarity awards (Madrid, Spain)
- Environmental awareness and commitment: construction of a botanical garden and sustainable sports infrastructure. (Villa Alejandro, Peru)
- Urban Forests: restoration and reforestation of public spaces and raising environmental awareness among children and young people (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
The evaluation committee highlighted the level of the projects presented in this year's edition and congratulated both those selected and all the finalists for the quality of their proposals and their valuable contributions.
The evaluation committee was made up of experts from Repsol Foundation, Repsol’s EMD Client, Repsol’s EMD Low Carbon Generation, Repsol’ Energy Transition and the Research Programs of the Universidad Pontifica de Comillas.
"Leading the Change" is an initiative aimed at employees, former employees, and retirees of the Repsol Group, and aims to promote a fair and inclusive energy transition through volunteering projects. Participants present their project proposals designed together with social organizations, with the aim of getting other volunteers involved and generating a positive impact in areas such as green employment, energy efficiency, green entrepreneurship, and reducing the carbon footprint. Each selected project will receive logistical support and financial aid of up to €20,000 to help in its development.