Circular economy
We promote the efficient reuse of raw materials in production processes.
We support the circular economy through research
As part of our strategy to drive innovation, we support pioneering initiatives based on the SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). In this area of work we have initiatives that support SDG 12 (Responsible production and consumption) and the SDG 4 (Quality education) with our University Chair in circular economy.
What is the circular economy?
The circular economy is a new way of understanding the production and consumption model. It is about moving from a linear model, in which raw materials are used only once and once consumed end up as waste; to a more sustainable model in which raw materials are recovered, recycled and returned to the production process to be used many times.
This model is more sustainable because it consumes less raw material and generates less waste.
At Repsol Foundation we focus our efforts on promoting the circular economy in the industry, where the impact can be very significant.
Want to know more about the circular economy? Visit Open Room, the Repsol Foundation project that aims to generate and spread knowledge to help drive the energy transition.