A boy operates a tablet in a robotics lab at a school

Zinkers is our commitment to education

Our digital platform offers students and teachers a wide array of free educational resources to discover and understand the world of energy and the challenges of the energy transition in an instructional and interactive way.

Kicking off the 4th edition of the Zinkers Awards

The Zinkers Awards, organized by the Repsol Foundation, recognize the educational centers that develop the best projects on sustainability and climate change.

To be selected for the Awards, the centers must be enrolled in the Zinkers program and present what they have learned during the course thanks to this platform.

The winners of each category (Primary and Secondary) will receive a prize of €15,000 to use for an innovative project at their institution.

What is Zinkers?

Free educational programs

Zinkers fosters sustainability learning through active methodologies, promoted by the new Education Law (LOMLOE). Teachers have access to content and materials adapted to each curriculum from the three stages of Primary and Secondary Education (6 to 16 years old) and Vocational Training (from 16 years old). They include innovative training content, which allows teachers to introduce their students to key topics adapted to the school curriculum on: energy, climate change, air quality, sustainable mobility, circular economy, and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The programs are available in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Valencian, and English.

Over 4,800

registered schools

A 20% of the total

of all educational centers across Spain

More than 8,000

teachers and


students from all over the country

Zinkers educational programs

Zinkers Primary

Based on time travel with two main characters (Jaime and Laura), this program offers over 100 pieces of material, which teachers can use according to their training and adapt them to their classes and teaching objectives.

Zinkers Secondary

Adapting the Secondary school curriculum, the Zinkers program is structured into 7 topics with different flexible materials, based on a new network where seven young people from different parts of the world represent these research topics.

Zinkers VT

The new Zinkers VT program was born out of a response to the new law on the organization and integration of Vocational Training, covering the Sustainability module in the productive sectors for all VT certifications.

The opinion of our Zinkers

The true protagonists tell you how the Zinkers experience is.

Fotografía de Francisca Sánchez Profesora en el CEIP Conde Campillo, Cehegín (Murcia)

“It's an experience I recommend to everyone. I have worked with some incredible people.”

Francisca Sánchez

CEIP Conde Campillo, Cehegín (Murcia)