We take a closer look at energy communities and the commitment to self-consumption together with the University of Mondragón

Future energy requires a structural change that eliminates carbon from its production. To achieve the desired decarbonization, an energy transition allowing a change in energy production, distribution, and consumption models is necessary. In this context, energy communities (a new way of generating, using, and managing energy at a local level) have emerged in recent months as a model that makes it possible to create a decentralized, efficient, and collaborative energy system.
To analyze this energy model, explain the models that exist in the market, their regulatory aspects and describe some success stories, the Repsol Foundation, the University of Mondragón, and the Mondragón Corporation have organized a conference today at the Garaia Technology Park in Mondragón. The meeting was attended by experts in this field, who explained different aspects related to energy communities through talks and round tables.
The conference was opened by the rector of the University of Mondragon, Vicente Atxa, and the vice-president of the Repsol Foundation, Antonio Calçada, and was closed by Aitor Arzuaga, CEO of Alba Emission Free Energy; Iñigo Ansola, Executive Manager of the Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE); and the chairman of the Mondragon Corporation, Iñigo Ucín.
This event is part of the Repsol Foundation's Open Room, a digital space for knowledge and dissemination on energy transition by experts and institutions of recognized prestige and belonging to all spheres: public, private, academic, and social. Open Room's more than 10,000 members have access to high-quality, multi-themed, and multi-format information and events on everything surrounding the energy transition: circular economy, energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, hydrogen, low-emission synthetic fuels, etc.
Over the last three years, more than 60 events related to the energy transition have been held, attended by more than 45,000 people, with the participation of more than 300 speakers, including members of the European Commission, Ministers, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, prestigious professors, mayors, presidents and CEOs of major companies, as well as other leading academic and scientific figures, representatives of associations, think tanks and international organizations.
From consumer to 'prosumer'
Energy communities seek to transform the relationship of consumers with energy with a clear goal: to move from consumer to 'prosumer', that is, to consume and produce energy. This is based on a cooperation network between different agents (citizens, local administration, and SMEs) to create an efficient energy system.
Among the possible activities that energy communities can implement is the generation of renewable energy through shared self-consumption and shared generation plants, energy distribution, energy supply through the joint purchase of renewable energy, peer to peer energy exchange, shared energy storage, or the provision of energy efficiency services for neighbors, lo