The Repsol Foundation participates in RADARSERES to analyse the keys to impact investment

The third edition of RADARSERES brought together several Spanish and international CEOs, managers and experts in social impact. The Repsol Foundation has participated in this initiative to analyse the keys to impact investment on the path towards a fairer and more inclusive energy transition.
In this regard, António Calçada, Vice-President of the Repsol Foundation, explained how the organization works on projects focused on energy transition and society, stressing that ""the energy transition must be fair and inclusive, and to this end it must protect the economy and employment"". The Repsol Foundation has entered the impact investment sector, based on ""commitment, profitability and scale"", said António Calçada, to grow, with an entrepreneurial vision, companies that benefit society, the environment and the economy.
Along with António Calçada, Sergi Biosca, CEO of NTT Data, participated in the round table, highlighting in his speech that employment is the most important social impact strategy that exists, and Sergio Rodríguez, President and CEO of Pfizer Spain, who said ""sustainable innovation is established as a transversal principle of our work to contribute to society and provide responsible solutions for the benefit of all"".
In addition, to continue addressing business leadership with a social focus, the conference was attended by Fernando Ruiz, President of the SERES Foundation, Gabriel Escarrer, Executive Vice President & CEO of Meliá Hotels and Eric Li, CEO of Huawei Spain.
The session was followed by a panel of international experts including Kari Niedfelt Thomas, Managing Director, Corporate Strategy & Impact of Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose (CECP), Momo Mahadav, President and CEO of Maala and Maria Serena Porcari, Chairperson of Dynamo Academy Social Enterprise and Chairperson of Dynamo Camp Foundation, to examine initiatives in three different countries and regions (Israel, Italy, United States) to accelerate recovery with more inclusive models and tools that allow benchmarking the impact of companies.
As a keynote speaker, Sara Bernow, Partner at McKinsey & Company Stockholm, offered her perspective on the new paradigm in which corporate engagement is a central decision-making element for investors worldwide.
Likewise, RADAR SERES has launched a space for debate with the media and, together with Marta García Aller, journalist and author of Lo imprevisible and Lola Huete, Head of the Planeta Futuro section of EL PAÍS, has looked at the lessons learned by the media after COVID-19 and their important role in the midst of a reconstruction that has focused on social issues.
The conference ended with the presentation of the SERES 2021 awards for social innovation, which this year celebrates its twelfth edition. The three award-winning initiatives this year were Correos Market, Samsung Smart School and Generación Sacyr Senior.
Lucila García, deputy director of the SERES Foundation, closed the event by stressing that ""RADAR is more than just a meeting. RADAR catalyses the work we do every single day of the year, mobilising companies to increase their social impact"" and underlined the fundamental role of business in reconstruction: ""They must be key players in the transition to an economy that serves the major challenges of the 2030 Agenda"".