14th Galician language short story award

A new edition of the Galician Language Short Story Award is now open until 31 July. The texts must be original and written in accordance with the norms established by the Royal Galician Academy. All submitted works must be unpublished, with a minimum length of 50 pages and a maximum of 120 pages. The prize money is 12 000 euros and the prize also includes the publication of the winning short story by Editorial Galaxia. You can find all the information in the terms and conditions!
The jury will be made up by a representative from the Consellería de Cultura y Turismo’s Secretary-General of Language Policy, another from Repsol Foundation, one from the Royal Galician Academy, another from the Galician Language Writers Association, and one from the Editorial Galaxia publishing house.
Almost 400 works presented since its creation
The Repsol Short Story Prize was created by the Repsol Refinery in 2006 and organized jointly with the Xunta de Galicia with the aim of promoting Galician language and culture. In 2010, Repsol Foundation assumed the position previously held by the industrial facility in the competition, which from the outset had been supported by the Royal Galician Academy and the Association of Writers in the Galician Language, together with Editorial Galaxia, which publishes the winning stories.
The aim of this Repsol Foundation and Xunta de Galicia cultural initiative is to promote and strengthen literary works written in Galician and to serve as a way for Galician writers to reach a wider readership. This already established award has allowed the use of Galician to spread throughout its editions and make its richness known. Proof of this are the nearly 400 works presented since its creation and the 13 winners published annually by Editorial Galaxia.
Se algún día esta muller morta (Miguel Sande) received the award in the first edition, and second prize went to O insomnia dos centauros (Xavier Lama). The short stories in the following editions are: Así nacen as baleas (Anxos Sumai), A verdade como mal menor (Xosé Luís Martínez Pereiro), Os Fíos (Xurxo Sierra), Microbios e outros paquidermos (Fernando Díaz-Castroverde), A forma das nubes (María López Sande), O derradeiro libro de Emma Olsen (Berta Dávila), A diagonal dos tolos (Santiago Lopo), Fontán (Marcos Calveiro), Nordeste (Daniel Asorey), O sono das seras (Xosé Antonio Neira Cruz), and Extraordinario (Antón Lopo).
In the 2019 edition, the poet Gonzalo Hermo received the award for his short story Diario dun enterro.