Repsol volunteers with the most vulnerable people against COVID-19

At Repsol and its Foundation, we maintained our commitment to society and due to this emergency, we are contributing with different resources to help address the most urgent needs of both the healthcare system and the people who are in difficult situations.
To this end, Repsol Foundation has launched new Repsol Volunteering activities in which company employees and retirees who wish to do so may contribute their time by interacting with lonely people through letters, emails, and phone calls, or supporting young vulnerable people for them to continue their training through online sessions. These initiatives allow volunteers to participate from any part of the country with flexible schedules.
Discover the initiatives to become a Repsol volunteer against the coronavirus at!
Mitigating loneliness and isolation
The situation we are living through has increased the isolation of elderly people who live alone or in homes, since they are not being visited by their families, their activity routine has been suspended and they are also afraid because they, as a group, are highly vulnerable to the virus.
With the objective of contributing to improving their moods, we are joining two initiatives:
- Minutos en compañía (keeping someone company): an activity that allows seniors to call a free phone number through which they can get in touch with the volunteers to talk about their day-to-day and avoid the sensation of isolation and loneliness. The initiative was organised by the Adopt a Grandparent NGO in collaboration with the City Council of Madrid, the Communities of Madrid and Andalusia.
- Letters against loneliness: Repsol Volunteers and their families, including the children, can send letters and drawings through email to seniors and/or people with disabilities who live in homes across Spain as a gesture of support. The beneficiaries receive these messages happily, which serves as a way to free their mind from worries. This activity is managed by the Foundation to Promote Development and Integration (FDI).
Additionally, another group that is highly affected by the coronavirus emergency are the people hospitalised with this illness, who cannot be in the company of their loved ones. This is why the Repsol Foundation has joined the Foundation of Development and Assistance’s Nadiesolo (no one alone) initiative so that the Repsol volunteers can send support letters to these people who are recovering in public hospitals across the Community of Madrid.
Support for young people to continue their studies
Due to the interruption of in-person classes, many students are having trouble to continue their training because of the lack of motivation or methods. This is why the Repsol Foundation has joined the Tomillo Foundation to support young people who are at risk of exclusion that are studying Vocational Training in Madrid. Repsol volunteers can help students who need it through online sessions for them to avoid falling behind and to motivate them to continue their training.
Additionally, one of the needs that the social entities have told us about is to spread the word about their activities among beneficiaries to obtain the support of new companies and individuals. Repsol Volunteers who are experts in communication, marketing, and sales can also participate with the Tomillo Foundation to help them expand their coronavirus action plan and help them reach more people.
Support the Red Cross RESPONDE plan
Repsol and its Foundation join the Red Cross's RESPONDE Plan with the aim of meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people in the face of coronavirus in Spain.
We currently have a solidarity campaign in place that company employees are taking part in with donations. Additionally, the Foundation will make additional contributions to participate in this initiative. The total amount is entirely destined to this Red Cross initiative.
Through the Red Cross's RESPONDE plan nearly one million people will receive attention and social accompaniment by phone, 25 000 families will receive needed goods, 16 000 people will receive employment-related support, and 3 000 people without homes will be given a place to sleep. Over 40 000 volunteers are collaborating in this campaign, which will be the largest mobilisation of persons and resources in the history of the human organization.