Searching for new archaeological discoveries

The first Field Archaeology Course has begun, and it’s taking place in the Archaeological Park of Molinete (Cartagena, Region of Murcia). Nine university students are participating in this first edition and during three weeks, they will be supporting the excavation that is taking place in the Roman Forum in the ancient city of Carthago Nova. One of the course’s objectives is to work and recover “cardo II”, one of the ancient Roman roads that ran through the Forum’s town.
During the training, organised by the University of Murcia’s Centro de Estudios del Próximo Oriente y la Antigüedad Tardía (CEPOAT), in partnership with the city hall’s Cartagena Puerto de Culturas and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia; the students will put their knowledge of prospecting, documenting, and archaeological recording into practice under the supervision of María José Madrid, co-director of the Roman Forum’s restoration project. Additionally, in the framework of the course, different archaeological conferences by experts have been organised.
Fundación Repsol has been supporting the Roman Forum's restoration project since 2013, with the objective of showcasing this archaeological enclave with great historical value.
After many phases in which great discoveries were obtained, such as the Temple of Isis and Serapis or the paintings of the Muses, work to build the future Roman Forum Museum is currently underway.