Green Engine: ESG Carbon Fund presentation

Repsol Foundation, Crédit Agricole  Indosuez and Portobello Capital invites you to the conferenceGreen Engine: ESG Carbon Fund presentation”

Join the event that will present the largest ESG carbon fund to promote large-scale reforestation as a tool to offset CO2 emissions, and key aspects of decarbonization and the new economy will be addressed, where sustainable finance and alternative investment will have a hugely important role.

An event from Open Room, the digital community of Repsol´s Foundation to promote a rigorous and objective debate on the energy transition.


Institutional opening  

  • Antonio Brufau, Charmain of Repsol 
  • Gonzalo García Andrés, Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support 

Round Table 1 “Green Engine: A great opportunity for ESG development and investment” 

  • António Calçada, Executive Managing Director
  • Antonio Losada, CEO of Indosuez Wealth Management Spain   
  • Íñigo Sánchez-Asiaín, Founding Partner of Portobello Capital 
  • Jaime Rábago, CEO of Sylvestris Group  

Round Table 2 “The main objectives of Decarbonization, Carbon Markets and Sustainable Finance”  

  • Miguel Arias Cañete, Former European Commissioner for Energy and Climate Action and current Senior of the Beka Finance Group 
  • Blanca Navarro, Director of Strategy and Evaluation of ICO (Instituto de Crédito Oficial
  • Pablo Bernad, Partner in charge of Markets and Corporate Consulting at KPMG 
  • Natalia Fabra, Enagas Board Member and Professor of Economics in UC3M 

Dialogue with Antonio Brufau, Chairman of Repsol